03/08/2020 Snippet, THE LAST RAYGUN IN THE WORLD.

I’m not really thrilled with the stuff I wrote today, if I’m being honest. It felt a little forced. I’m either running a fever or killing off this cold once and for all. Gonna be fun to find out which.

Wilkinson ended up volunteering to take point in tracking down a good guide for the Ghost Road. Which is to say, he valiantly volunteered to trawl through the dives and bordellos until he found somebody dumb enough to know that road, and smart enough not to try to rob us halfway through. I let him go off to his fun (which did sound like fun, dammit!) and told myself that I could always go looking myself, once he failed, and that I was always planning to wait a couple of days anyway.

But damned if Wilkinson didn’t find somebody who could do the job. Elf, of course. He called himself “Captain Ilbrin Spring” and he dressed like an explorer from a play, but the gear was well-made and Ilbrin had the right kind of eyes and hands for somebody who liked to run around haunted woods. Which is to say, the hands never moved and the eyes never quite stood still.

The only problem was that Ilbrin thought himself quite the dish. “The famous Lady Deckard and her equally famous treasure, featured in so many songs,” he murmured over my hand while bowing. “But the bards have betrayed me by not warning me of your dangerous allure.” Although I will be fair: he did make that line sound good.

2 thoughts on “03/08/2020 Snippet, THE LAST RAYGUN IN THE WORLD.”

  1. *sigh*.
    Your writin’ is fine. Hits a bit too close to home though. You just had your main character get “M’lady”-ed, which is a bit of a trope at the moment.

    1. Yeah, I’m not entirely thrilled with that passage. It feels tonally off. Then again, so have I, these last few days. 😉

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