7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Comment edition.”

  1. … makes sense.
    No, not filling in a skate park, that’s just stupid .. the BMX kids getting some use out of it, I mean.
    Back in the day, we considered darn near any uneven ground as fair game, while the skateboarders were mostly limited to empty parking lots.

      1. Not surprised .. there’s some cross-over, at younger ages, as well as a shared “no pain, no fun” attitude.
        I’ll just note there’s also common ground with tabletop-RPG gamers – skateboarding and cycling are “everybody can play” activities.
        p.s. nothing wrong, per se, with sportsball .. it’s just mostly dull.

  2. I’ve been saying “Sic semper tyrannis” all day, although I’m not advocating what happened the last time someone yelled that at a leading government figure.

    1. There are some governmental figures who seem to be yearning for a lamppost. (Belonging to both parties, I add, so as not to breach the peace.)

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