Hey! For those who got their e-copies of FROZEN DREAMS…

…tomorrow is the effective deadline for letting me know about any typos. So far there have only been a couple of minor oopsies, which were invariably my fault and not the editor’s. But that always happens. Anything that gets found can still be corrected, but after tomorrow the Kindle copy’s pretty much locked in place. That’s how the system works: if I want to publish the Kindle version Monday, I gotta submit it a couple of days early.

If you haven’t gotten your copy of FROZEN DREAMS because you never ordered it, well, here’s the link.

Pre-order Now

3 thoughts on “Hey! For those who got their e-copies of FROZEN DREAMS…”

  1. I’m about halfway through… I would be further but the pug got into something he shouldn’t have and was asking to go out, over and over… until about 2:30am.
    I am very much enjoying the tale and the world, Mrs. Cat loves the cover- it’s not exactly her cup of tea as a book, but she may try it …
    I haven’t seen any errors big enough to derail the “read-mode” suspension of disbelief so far.. and am really enjoying it.
    Did I mention it’s good?

  2. Argh, I din’t realize you could still edit. I found one and thought “oh well” and kept on going.

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