Busy day!
- A few orders today on Amazon. Marathon, not a sprint.
- Got the book listed on Smashwords, which means that FROZEN DREAMS is available on sites like Barnes & Noble and Kobo and whatnot. It’s definitely on the B&N site now.
- Had a reader review it on Goodreads. Also, I am now have an author page on Goodreads. If you use that platform, by all means, let me know so we can do that network thing.
- I also emailed someone who does a weekly book promotion thingy. Not saying who, because if it doesn’t happen it doesn’t happen.
- Finally, I worked on one of the short stories for the sampler. Copy-editing and the like.
As always: if you read the book and like it, review it. Everywhere. It’s good for increasing my reach. And review other people’s books too, dagnabbit. They’re practically begging you too. I hadn’t realized before now how vitally important it is to review.
All in all: things chug along.