Note that I am not putting a link to this Vice article in Twitter itself, as the company is being pretty damned prickly about how allegedly the bitcoin hack happened because of somebody on the inside participating. Which just adds a certain something to this entire Carnival of Bad Decision-Making, doesn’t it?
I don’t blame Twitter for pulling the plug on the blue-checks, mind you*. The kill switch is there for a reason. But, for everybody else (and for the love of God):
- Don’t work with hackers to give them access to user accounts.
- Don’t trust those hackers to keep their mouths shut.
- Don’t commit this level of fraud.
- Actually, don’t commit fraud, period; but really don’t commit it at this level. People are gonna go to jail over this. The real jail.
- Yeah, they will go to jail over this, because thanks to a certain prolific Tweeter the NSA will have an excuse to look into it. Don’t make the NSA notice you. Don’t don’t don’tity don’t don’t.
- And if you do do this, don’t talk about it to the press. What possible benefit would that be?
Here endeth the lesson.
Moe Lane
*I do blame them for letting this happen, of course. Or at least I expect them to fire whoever hired the alleged inside crook.
This is quite amusing, Moe.
I would only note the NSA is one of *many* agencies who might have jurisdiction ..
As Twitter is already a “troubled platform” .. I don’t see this helpin’ Twitter or Jack Dorsey any.
I do see it helpin’ the general welfare, though that’s just me.
Enjoy the by-day. They’re *allowed*.
All those “blacklist” buttons sure put the lie to Twitter’s incredible claims about not shadowbanning users, searches, and trends.
They weren’t even hidden! They were some of the most prominent options!
The weirdest part of this for me is that the whole scheme required people to fall for the ancient “for a Bitcoin today I will gladly double it Tuesday” shtick. I mean, really? That worked?
It wouldn’t work, on most people.
There are over 300 million people in the United States, though. At that scale, ‘most’ can still allow for some really primo stupidity.
The Nigerian Prince scam worked for decades. It got to the point that the scammers would make sure to say “I’m a Nigerian Prince”, because they knew that anyone stupid enough to keep reading would be stupid enough to wire them money. That version netted $700k from Americans in 2019.