08/17/2020 Update, Second Pass-through of the MORGAN BAROD Origin novel.

I need a better name for the book. Anyway, we’re at 72,406/80,000, which is nicely ahead of schedule for me. The only problem is, I can’t really excerpt anything because I was just smoothing out the text and adding sentences and paragraphs here and there. Real useful stuff, but nothing earth-shattering. There’s a couple of more places for more actual content, but not for a bit.

This is not the next Kickstarter book. The next Kickstarter book is a collection of Fermi Resolution short stories. It’s also not the next thing for sale. The next thing for sale is… the subject of another post.

2 thoughts on “08/17/2020 Update, Second Pass-through of the MORGAN BAROD Origin novel.”

  1. I think [Character] and the [MacGuffin] is a played out bit that makes me think “Youth” novels.

    “Frozen Dreams” is an excellent title, for example. Pithy, yet topical, and memorable. Doesn’t even have to be a core part of the story, just a simple yet memorable thingy-of-interest to tease.

    1. The [ person ] who [ meta-action ]ed is also rather played .. “The Girl Who Played With Fire”, forex. Then, there’s the combination of the two .. “River Tam Beats Up Everybody”…
      More seriously .. the title should capture the imagination of potential readers .. the authors’ name on the cover should capture the loyal readers.
      NO idea what to do with Morgan to achieve this.

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