2 thoughts on “The “I am… DUBIOUS” RIGHT STUFF Nat Geo/Disney+ series trailer.”

  1. A) it was doing well till the implied sexual dalliances. No idea if this is true or not (although no astronaut from Mercury through Apollo has earned the right to never sleep alone from anything but choice) but it’s not really necessary in a film. There is plenty of story without tarring heroes.

    B) Part if me is surprised (but reserving judgement till it’s seen in full) that none of them were re-imagined as black, latin, or gay.

  2. I can’t readily identify a single way that a remake would improve on the original.
    I do note that Disney is currently bleeding red ink.
    It can’t have escaped their notice that downplaying the American Hero aspect of Neal Astrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins did not go over well in the recent movie.
    It is possible that the ‘zeks are more concerned with saving their skins, than freaking the ‘danes.
    It might be OK.
    But they really should have optioned Michener’s Space, instead of warming over a remake.
    I mean, the right team could make The Right Stuff a clarion call in the culture war. An open assault on “men without chests”, and a restoration of our national myths. It could be glorious.
    But I think that’s a bit less than likely in modern Hollywood.

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