Patreon Microfiction: ‘Okay, So It Was ALSO A Pickup Line.’

Would ‘Okay, So It Was ALSO A Pickup Line’ work in real life? …No? Look, sorry, I was never exactly what you’d call good at picking up girls. My wife almost had to hit me in the head with a club before I realized that she was interested in me. So I wouldn’t use this site as a font of dating wisdom, sorry.

3 thoughts on “Patreon Microfiction: ‘Okay, So It Was ALSO A Pickup Line.’”

  1. Hmmm!

    *smiles an Evil smile*

    I guess whether or not it works in real life would depend in part on how well nanotechnology would work in manipulating glands and nerves and also in part on how good empires become at subordinating newly gained provinces to the central province. This does put an interesting spin on “making a new conquest”. ^_~

  2. *scribbles notes furiously*

    1. Let nerd flag fly.
    2. Await for prospective partner to assault me with Clue-bat™.
    3. ???
    4. Proff…. er, Happily ever after!

    Did I get the down right?

    1. I can also attest to this being a successful way to attract a mate, albeit mine is less nerdy than Moe’s. And she didn’t use a clue-bat, she gave me cookies and then stormed off in a huff.

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