Oh, hey. A Kickstarter for a new edition of a LotR RPG.

:while clicking to sign up for launch notification: THE ONE RING: ROLEPLAYING GAME, Second Edition. Yay.

:grumbling: There was nothing wrong with the MERP/Rolemaster stuff sure it’s thirty years… [expletive deleted] me, try forty, Moe …old but that just makes it venerable why can’t we have a commemorative edition grumble grumble whine grumble.

H/T: @TychoBrahe.

2 thoughts on “Oh, hey. A Kickstarter for a new edition of a LotR RPG.”

  1. I played MERP/Rolemaster. Had fun making my characters, but whatever the merits and flaws of the systems Rolemaster has an RPG, I always felt like it’s adaptation to Middle-Earth missed the flavor mark. The magic my party had access to never felt right for the setting.

    Having said that, loved the work they did on the setting supplements.

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