4 thoughts on “Book of the Week: …I got nothing, sorry.”

  1. There’s this Moe Lane guy who’s quite promising.
    Most recently, I’ve been reading Bujold’s “Chalion” books and novellas. The latter, most of the Penric tales, are a bit fun .. the former are more formal, and – as is typical with Bujold, it’s all a masters-level lesson in how one constructs a world, how one breathes life into characters, and a PhD-level course in the language.
    Just my $0.03 inflation-adjusted, mind.

    1. I was just about to jump in and note that the latest of Bujold’s Penric just launched

  2. I’ve currently been on a John Myers Myers kick. sciences fiction fans will know him as the author of Silverlock which is definitely worth reading if you like crossover fanfics or stories with lots and lots of “Easter eggs” that don’t really slow down the plot at all. That said, he wrote quite a few history books as well and I would recommend both his “The Alamo” and his “Doc Holiday”. He’s been a very careful researcher which I appreciate as well as a very good storyteller and prose stylist. 🙂

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