2 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Efficiency Isn’t Everything edition.”

  1. Heh.
    Back when I was a teenager, one year, the fire marshal had given himself exclusive right to light the fireworks for that year’s town show. (There has been some shenanigans the year before.)
    And so all the shells were set up behind their respective tubes, so that he could proceed expeditiously between the three launch tubes.

    Unfortunately, after the flash from the first couple of shells, he couldn’t see very well.
    And he tripped.
    The cigarette he was using to light the fuses flew from his mouth, and landed in the second string of prepped shells.
    Everyone had the chance to scream a bad word and start running before the daisy chain started.
    I was told that it was a very impressive sight. (I was on the other side of a one story building. I mostly just saw flashes.)

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