Heh-hee-hee-heh it’s done :one eye, suddenly bulging: thE FIRsT EDItiNg of MORGAN BAROD iS DonE.

I sat down and I did all the chapter revisions, me. All of them. And the global killing of all the ‘thats’ and the ‘somebodys’ and the commas outside the quotes — or is it the insides? No matter! They’re dead, dead, DEAD! They’ve all been most piteously slain! The darlings fell like rain!

Now I am going to not look at the book until tomorrow, do another read-through to see what I missed, let the editor see the most revised portions, and… then we can get this SOB published. Because I am totally at the point where I hate MORGAN BAROD. It’s the most magical stage, in a book’s life. I’m ready to drive it out with fire and whip into the open world, where it might then earn money for me.

Speaking of: buy my books!