CDPR hires them some modders.

Seems like a good call:

Developer CD Projekt Red has scooped up some modders to help the team iron out Cyberpunk 2077 backend issues and work on official mod support.

The news comes by way of Twitch streamer and YouTuber Tyler McVicker, who spotted in a Discord server that the Budapest-based custom development studio Yigsoft will be joining CD Projekt Red’s ranks. Yigsoft is best known for the open-source tool WolvenKit, which allowed modders to edit any file in CDPR titles such as Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3.

If there’s a game that could profit from an extensive mod library, it’s CYBERPUNK 2077. Note: I am not slamming the game. I had a lot of fun playing it. I’m ready to play it some more, once I have more missions to muck about with. I’m only gonna get that from a vibrant modding experience. So hire away, guys.