I like the title, if I do say so myself.

Heinlein Station
American Administrative Zone
2103 AD

Once upon a time, Tobias would have glared at the broken bit of gadgetry as if he thought doing so hard enough would magically put it back together. These days, he didn’t dare. Doing so might have actually worked, and then things would start getting so much worse.

Besides, he was too tired to glare. They all were.

“All right, Major. What do we need to do about this?” he said.

Major Abhiti Kazimi raised an eyebrow. “Just like that, sir? I was expecting to have to get you up to speed.”

“Why bother, Abby? It’s broke, we must need it for something, and if we had a spare already you wouldn’t be bothering me. You’re the chief engineer, God help you: so go ahead and tell me what we need to do to unstick this situation. You’re here in person, so I already know I won’t like hearing it.”

2 thoughts on “12/01/21 Snippet, THE DOOM THAT CAME TO LUNA CITY.”

  1. The title makes want to write a film of the music man. I will refrain from posting it … for now. Muwahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

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