Specifically, A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry’s collection of the Siege of Gondor and the Battle of Helm’s Deep. The author (Bret Devereaux) analyzed both the written and film versions of both battles in terms of strategy, tactics, logistics and communications, and they’ve easily been the most fascinating things I’ve read all week. So, I dunno: go reread the Lord of the Rings again to refresh your memory and follow along*.
*Assuming that you have to. I’ve read the books often enough that I didn’t have any trouble keeping up.
Moe Lane
Any excuse to reread LOTR counts as a good excuse. 🙂
His deep delve into How Farming Worked was *fascinating* to me. The analysis on Game of Thrones (and, by extension, on some of the pertinent differences between GRR Martin and Tolkein) was also interesting. “How do you get Mongols? Well, you start with a society that puts ‘archery from horseback’ where we put ‘reading, writing, and arithmatic’.'”