Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong with this Blockbuster revitalization plan.


Blockbuster DAO is a new social media handle that is trying to generate $5 million to buy the intellectual property rights to the Blockbuster Video brand from Dish Network, its current owner. The plan, according to FX Empire, who first reported the plans (via ComicBook), is to rebuild Blockbuster as a streaming service that they hope will revolutionize the film industry. A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, would run on the Blockchain and automate most decisions, ostensibly putting more power into the hands of viewers to determine the future of licenses and original programming on the streaming service and eliminating human error.

…Nothing, do you hear me? Nothing! This will not somehow result in the destruction of all the Works of Man. The Time of the Dark Machines is not at hand. This is not the prophetic testament that will herald that unholy gestation and grim apotheosis.

Why, the very idea is absurd.

2 thoughts on “Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong with this Blockbuster revitalization plan.”

  1. On one paw, a DAO streaming service would possibly better represent my non-mainstream likes, and be Very Good …

    On another paw, the non-mainstream media projects I like tend to either get cancelled quickly (“Firefly”, “Special Unit 2”) or used as test cases (“Dresden Files”) or get dragged into more and more mass-appeal sub-plots until I give up (“Eureka”, Warehouse 13”) …

    On the gripping paw … the idea of a DAO streaming service will have to figure out how to monetize eyeballs, but if one works others can follow..


    p.s. you just know the SSSniperWolf DAO becomes inevitable, right?

  2. > the intellectual property rights to the Blockbuster Video brand

    One wonders exactly what this entails. Name and logos, I assume? If I was Dish Network, $5M seems like found money for what is basically a hard drive full of otherwise worthless tchotchkes.

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