There’s nothing immediately gory or lascivious about THE CUPHEAD SHOW trailer, which is a point in its favor when figuring out whether to let my kids watch it.
And my kids liked Cuphead. Specifically, they liked the Cuphead plushies. I absolutely forbade them to play Cuphead the game, because by all accounts that game causes grown-ass adults to scream at the heavens and throw their computers out of windows without opening them first. God knows how actual kids would handle the stress of a standard level. Although they took the ban reasonably well, probably because they were watching a clip or two of some of those aforementioned grown-ass adults.
Skip ahead to 3:45 for the best one. It has a slightly slow burn, but it’s worth the ten-second buildup.
I got Cuphead on Steam a while back when it was on sale super cheap. Only played a few levels cuz yeah, it’s pretty hard.
Not sure there’s enough room for characterization and plot to sustain an actual series.