First, and successful, week done on the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter.

Looking at the numbers… TINSEL RAIN is definitely outperforming TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION and is not too far off from FROZEN DREAMS at this point of the cycle in terms of revenue, although I had more backers at this stage for the latter. I figure that’s to be expected: the first book had a lot of people showing up to support me actually, wow, writing a novel and everything. The drop-off from the first to the second Kickstarter was instructive, although I did wonder how much of that was due to the first book being a novel and the second being a short story collection. Preliminary results comparing TALES and TINSEL RAIN suggests that it is a factor. I guess it really is true: novels sell better than short stories. God knows the latter is far more of a buyer’s market.

Anyway, good first week, and now I have to find new places to get people to see the Kickstarter. :brightly: Suggestions welcome!
