Tweet of the Day, Pigs Will Just Straight-Up Kill You, Man edition.

I hesitated to embed because of the swear word, but… that was a f*cking idiot bear. You know what you need, to fight pigs? A hand grenade, and a safe place to throw it from. They put lugs on the sides of boar spears because otherwise the wild boar will just keep coming up the shaft, purely to wreck your day before it dies. Their domestic cousins are likewise ill-tempered about being raised as a food source.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Pigs Will Just Straight-Up Kill You, Man edition.”

  1. I’ve got mean, dangerous pigs in both my novels and will probably use them again in the future. My father slopped hogs as a seminarian (long story) and he warned all of us that pigs are tougher, faster and smarter than they look. They’re the only domesticated animal smart enough to know WHY we keep them around and if you give them half a chance, they’ll be more than happy to return the favor.

  2. The interesting thing here is the realpolitik. The first pig messes him up enough that he realizes that this is not going to be an easy fight, and then the second pig comes busting out the gate with enough intensity to indicate that there’s plenty more where that came from, and he backs way off… and they let him. They just make sure that he knows where things stand.

    …which is interesting, and makes perfect sense in retrospect. first, they don’t want to take the kind of potential injuries that a more serious fight would entail. Second… there’s not space for but so many bears in any one stretch of woods. If there’s a local bear out there taking up bear-capacity who has “Seriously. Don’t mess with pigs.” burned into their personal priority list, that’s *good* for them… and from what I’ve heard, bear meat tastes pretty nasty anyway.

  3. “…bear meat tastes pretty nasty anyway.”

    Depends on what the bear was eating. I had a taste of a bruin who spent his last fall eating his way through a couple of acres of wild berries (his body fat was pink) and he didn’t taste bad at all.

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