I find the TRUST NO ONE Netflix trailer curiously intriguing.

Mostly because I think that the stakes are incredibly personally low.

I mean, what’s it to me if he did? Aside from the hit to Western society whenever anybody allegedly embezzles money at this level, of course. On the other hand, Western culture is improved by tales of a really good, and somewhat deranged, scam at this level, too. If TRUST NO ONE: THE HUNT FOR THE CRYPTO KING is a good enough documentary, does that offset the heinousness of the original crime? I am undecided on the answer.

Via @iowahawk.

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, the dude’s probably dead for-real, if only because of Occam’s Razor (and the fact that successful scams of that magnitude never work out right). So stipulated. I still have no particular skin in this game, which is allowing me a certain detachment about the story.