No revisions today.

There was a drow, and giant spiders, and then I decided that a giant spider was the hitherto-undefined monster that made my flesh go cold and terrified me in a previous encounter (as per my background), and then I decided that the way half-orc Neutral Good priestesses of Tyr handle being terrified is to recklessly run towards the Bad Thing screaming while casting Divine Weapon (I try not to actually use spell slots unless I have to, or when giant spiders, I guess), and the DM had forgotten that the warlock had looted a scroll of Fireball, and then the DM had forgotten that I had a point of Inspiration which I then used to tell the warlock casting Fireball to read the scroll right. After that the fireball went off. Beautifully, so beautifully, killing all of the spiders except for the one that ran away, and after the thief backstabbed that one to death I kept hitting the corpse with both swords until it stopped being funny.

So, right now, I’m kind of creatively drained.

4 thoughts on “No revisions today.”

  1. Humph.
    I recall when using fireball indoors was heavily contraindicated.
    (30,000 cubic feet is a lot of 10’x10’ squares. If the dungeon features narrow passageways and low ceilings, you will be losing your eyebrows. And more importantly, lots of rolling item saving throws against magical fire. Fortunately, spellbooks were especially vulnerable to magical fire, so it was a self-correcting problem.)

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