Day called on account of essentially everything.

I’m in the middle of Christmas prep, and I still got coming up dinner, a walk with my wife, a consultation on my barony’s website, and a viewing of TREMORS scheduled with the eldest. Look, I love you folks to death and everything, but I’m taking the night off. I might even have one of the beers lurking in the back of the fridge.


4 thoughts on “Day called on account of essentially everything.”

  1. Sounds like good and valid reasons to me.

    But be careful about the one in the back of the fridge… old beer is not always a good beer.

  2. Tremors may not be appreciated by the hoi polloi, but it’s damn near perfect.
    No unnecessary scenes, effects, or dialog; well defined characters; a sense of space and place — it’s practically textbook construction.

    If you want to quibble, the only thing really missing, genre-wise, was some gratuitous nudity.
    I don’t exactly hold it’s lack against the producers, but I wouldn’t have faulted them for including it either.

    1. We finally got around to watching it tonight. I made sure to point out the callbacks and stuff they did, after the film. Those were nicely well done.

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