Mass Effect N7 Hoodies are back in stock!

…He carefully said, after buying one, and confirming the sale. I know that people have issues with Bioware. So do I. The company was dead to me; and as soon as I get my new hoodie, it will be dead to me again.

Counterpoint: my current N7 hoodie has been worn down to the point where tailors and dry cleaners give me pitying looks when I try to get it repaired. I wear it anyway. Those of us with the hoodie will stop each other in the street, just to make conversation. This hoodie has gotten me sales at conventions. So it’s a blessed miracle how Bioware resurrected itself just long enough to sell me a replacement hoodie, isn’t it?

4 thoughts on “Mass Effect N7 Hoodies are back in stock!”

  1. Yeah, the ending of ME3 completely busted my giveadamn.

    Anthem actually did have a lore-rich setting, and emotionally engaging side quests. (And, of course, movement.). Too bad the game launched in such a crappy state. It might have caused me to care about Bioware again.
    But Mass Effect is dead to me.

  2. I downloaded the first three games (free on PS Plus) and I tried the first one. I wanted to rename the character “Spanky Ferguson”, but I had to go with “Jane” instead. I think my name was better. It was just starting to get good when I had to delete it to make room for a COD update. I should give it another try.

    1. You should. The first two games are great. (The third one actually was really good, except for the first hour, the conversations in the shuttle bay, and the final ten minutes.)

      The first has more vermisilitude, a more interesting story, and better crowning moments of awesome.

      The second’s gameplay is much better. (In the first, the cover mechanic wasn’t reliable, and your companions had a tendency to use the straight line between you and the nearest enemy for pathing.) Plus, you have the option to use a QTE when an enemy starts monologing.

  3. Yeah, I really enjoyed those games but the ending of ME3 just burned me out on Bioware. Still, that hoodie…

    Never tried Anthem; is it worth a look?

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