Book of the Week: SCARLET.

It’s funny: I would normally presume on old acquaintance and discreetly hint that Genevieve Cogman might pass along an advance review copy of her upcoming vampire alternate Scarlet Pimpernel novel Scarlet – we’re both old In Nomine hands, after all. At the same time, though, I want her new book to sell when it comes out in May, so that same past history is arguing against said presumption. I have it on pre-order, and I’ll undoubtedly order it in paperback, once I’ve read the Kindle. I’m okay with that.

One thought on “Book of the Week: SCARLET.”

  1. I remember enjoying the The Scarlet Pimpernel when I read it originally, but that was a long time ago. I should reread it to be ready for this alternative take, which does sound intriguing.

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