Bill Watterson is working on a new book.

Please, God, don’t let it suck: “Bill Watterson, the genius behind the beloved comic strip, is back in the publishing world after years of staying low and he’s teaming up with caricature artist John Kascht to bring us a “fable for grown-ups” called The Mysteries.” It comes out in October.

…I don’t really need to say much more, do I? It’s happening, I have pre-ordered it, and I face this news with perfectly-balanced eagerness, and dread.

5 thoughts on “Bill Watterson is working on a new book.”

  1. You don’t need to say much more.

    I join you in your heartfelt prayer.

    I’m reservedly optimistic.
    First, he’s got FU money, and isn’t going to do anything he doesn’t want to.
    Second, the guy already walked away from adulation and piles of money because of artistic integrity.
    Third, this is a radical enough departure from his previous work that he’s clearly not just cashing in.

    I’m not at all sure I’ll love it as much as his old stuff, but I’m reasonably certain it’ll be interesting.

  2. Captain Pedant says the name of the aforementioned ‘beloved comic strip’ should have been aforementioned as well.

  3. Captain Obvious says the name of the aforementioned ‘beloved comic strip’ is obvious. It isn’t even overlap. The Venn diagram for this has Moe fandom entirely within Calvin fandom.

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