04/05/2023 Snippet, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND.

I’m not entirely sure where this is going.

Oft saw the resemblance just after I did, but I didn’t stick around to hear his reaction. I stood not on the order of my coming but went at once, as the Bard might say. Right up and out of the room, because there was no way I was going down into that pit.

That was the only time I was really frightened to be around Oft and the Anticipant, you know? Even then, I wasn’t afraid of them; I was terrified of the thought what they might do to me. I couldn’t even blame them, much. Seeing my face on a Scout ritual statue was one Hell of an incriminating circumstance. I’d suspect me of being involved with the Scouts, after that. Hell, maybe I was involved in the Scouts, only they had put me under some kind of deep cover and all I needed to hear was the activation phrase to ‘wake up’ again. You hear stories about stuff like that. No proof, but there wouldn’t be, right?