Early night tonight.

I frankly dozed off on the couch while reading Gahan Wilson’s “H.P.L.*” – which sounds like the lead-in to a recount of an interesting dream, but I didn’t have one. Or if I did, I don’t remember it. There was a lot of running around and I was limiting my caffeine intake today in solidarity with my wife, so there’s that, too.

Anyway, I’m taking it as a hint that I should go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Moe Lane

*Which can be found in the excellent anthology CTHULHU 2000 – although in my case I’m reading it in the hardcover first edition put out by Arkham House. It’s not a particularly valuable book, but (like most Lovecraft fans) I have a special place in my library and heart for that publisher’s titles. I hope they straighten out whatever’s going on in their company right now…
