Clearing the house!
It was just getting to dusk, and the power was out, but it wasn’t dark enough yet for my night vision to be helpful. I had to rely on my hearing, listening for the creaks and bumps that subconsciously tell you the difference between an empty house, and a house with somebody hiding in it. I’m not quite good enough to hear heartbeats, unless I’m right next to somebody, and even then I’m not sure if I’m just imagining it. It didn’t matter, though: what we were hunting down didn’t have a heartbeat anymore.
“Why aren’t we burning the house down?” Mary murmured, like she always does. She never means it, though. Sort of.
“Paperwork,” I reminded her. “Besides, maybe we can get this one to talk.” I flicked a look at Jimmy, but he wasn’t reacting. Thanks to the hormones, the deputy right now only cared about inhuman monsters, and killing them. It’s nature’s way of keeping the inhuman monsters in check, and it works; it also uses up people, because Mother Nature is a bitch. If I had known things were going to get this bad, this quick, I would have left Jimmy in his car, or possibly back at the station.