The FOUNDATION Season 2 trailer.

I read the Foundation books in elementary and high school. I’m pretty checked out on Isaac Asimov’s science fiction generally, in fact. I’ve certainly read the original trilogy at least four, five times.

Take that as proper context for this statement: What the Hell is going on, here?

None of this is in the books.

To quote the comic: I’m not even mad, it’s kind of amazing. Obviously, I skipped the first season – and apparently so did every other Asimov fan in existence, because clearly Apple feels they can get away with just using all the proper nouns from the original and instead going all techno-shaman-psychic on us. Which is arguably the right call! I enjoyed the original books, but they weren’t perfect. Apparently they weren’t particularly filmable, either.

Again, I’m not mad. I might even go watch the first episode, now. I mean, if they just shrugged and went off on their own, it might have even worked.

One thought on “The FOUNDATION Season 2 trailer.”

  1. I remember there being techno psychics in Foundation, but I’m not sure I could describe any of their abilities. I definitely remember the Foundation being created by a guy who predicted the future (or established a secret organization to guide the future while keeping the rubes who thought they were in power in the dark). I’m not sure my local library even has the foundation books, so I would need to spend some time looking to be able to reread them. That said, I don’t remember anything even vaguely like what was in that trailer. Maybe they have brought in the Mule?

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