The two conditions are, as they say, not unrelated. I’d like to note so far that Written Word Media (the company running this promotion) have been aboveboard and professional with me throughout the process: I don’t know how many books I’m gonna sell, but so far, no complaints. Certainly Amazon Ads aren’t doing a dang thing for me…

You might find this amusing. My youngest sister hates squirrels; when you say “30 years War” to her, she doesn’t think about some 17th century shindig in middle Europe, she thinks about the war she, her husband and their sons have been waging against those thieving, fuzzy-tailed servants of satan. We recently found out one of my nephews and his wife are expecting their first child and since this is the first baby in the family in more than 10 years, everyone is excited (Babies are Hope) and we had a baby shower.
Since the parents have not settled on a name yet (it is a boy) there were a number of books on the table in the front room: The Book of Irish Names, The Book of Scottish names, The book of Saint’s names and my copy of Morgan Barod, which I wanted to show my sister, but which I had left on the table while helping one of my brothers with the food. By the time I returned, my sister had found the book and was looking at the cover approvingly. She glanced up at me and said:
“So, which saint is this?”
Ha! The artist will be pleased.
I have already purchased, of course, but this is a good time to promote to my friends again.