3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Is Expected And Good edition.”

  1. This is good.
    Very, very good.

    Too bad that the entertainment industry is full of garbage people who are already plotting on how to get around the ruling, and it won’t be hard to do.

    But it’s nice that the attempt to copyright every possible musical progression via computer generation hit a wall.

  2. The pipe dreams and authority of a voice on the internet, I know. BUT.

    The first thing I see happening is the same thing that happened to manufacturing — i.e. sewing the “Made in America” tag on here somehow glosses over the sins of origin. A human will change one pixel and claim it as AI ‘assisted’ instead of ‘created’. Garbage.

    The stronger course is to rework copyright law (YES, I know, I said pipe dream). Apply similar rules to books and movies as already apply to music. Sure, you can write a song, but anyone else can also record it for a small fee. Well, then why not you can make a movie (or TV show, or web series, whatever), but anyone else can make a movie with those characters, for a small fee.

    1. The music example is not nearly as benign as you seem to believe.
      For starters, copyright trolls are a huge problem. There are twelve notes, but each key only uses eight of them, and there are a limited number of ways way to progress through those notes because some relationships are discordant.
      This creates a system that’s ripe for abuse, and it is abused.
      Case in point from about a decade ago: The song “Blurred Lines” was found to be an infringement.
      Supposedly, because the sounds of (different) parties in the background of the songs created a similar “vibe”. (The songs had different lyrics, instruments, keys, melodies, rhythms, time signatures, and tempos. The case should have been laughed out of court.)
      Realistically, it happened because venue shopping created a jury that would be sympathetic to the (one race) copyright trolls, and hostile to the (different race) nepobaby.
      You can do versions of other people’s songs, but if you write your own, you’re under the Sword of Damocles.
      Tech advances have left the major record labels without much in the way of carrots, but they’ve got sticks, lawyers, and a boundless sense of entitlement.

      Onto the second problem.
      One of the things that made The Golden Age of Sci-Fi Golden, was that the various authors freely used each other’s characters and settings. Until one bleephead (who shall remain nameless, primarily because he went on to found a litigious cult) decided to bleep in the punchbowl, and do horrible things to other people’s IP. But to enforce IP, you have to enforce it consistently. An awful lot of the stuff from the time was pulped.

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