Bull: You sure this'll work? Uber driver: Yeah man. Hop in. Bull: Alright. Uber driver: Say man, you got any grass? Bull: Uh, no. Not on me, man. Uber driver: [chuckles] It'd be a lot cooler if you did. Bull: [makes bull face] https://t.co/VFMOraFNJV
From the follow-up picture, I’m gonna say it’s something to do with an unsecured load.
Pretty blatantly interferes with driver’s field of vision.
…and that’s not just someone with a crazy idea managing a strange situation. That car was clearly modified (fairly heavily) for this purpose.
That was more or less my response when my wife showed me.
I really hate that much of our society has shifted from everything being presumptively legal, to everything is presumptively illegal.
He’s not hurting anyone. Let the poor man be.
I’m very much a go along, get along kinda guy.
But there’s just so much that could go wrong with that situation. Get in an accident, bull could get hurt or hurt someone else. Bull could just decide it’s tired of being cooped up in that little metal box and bolt. (Although it kinda looks like it’s tranked to the eyeballs)
There’s proper equipment for transporting livestock, and that just ain’t it. The more I think about it, the more I suspect he got just exactly what he wanted, which is a lot of attention.
From the follow-up picture, I’m gonna say it’s something to do with an unsecured load.
Pretty blatantly interferes with driver’s field of vision.
…and that’s not just someone with a crazy idea managing a strange situation. That car was clearly modified (fairly heavily) for this purpose.
That was more or less my response when my wife showed me.
I really hate that much of our society has shifted from everything being presumptively legal, to everything is presumptively illegal.
He’s not hurting anyone. Let the poor man be.
I’m very much a go along, get along kinda guy.
But there’s just so much that could go wrong with that situation. Get in an accident, bull could get hurt or hurt someone else. Bull could just decide it’s tired of being cooped up in that little metal box and bolt. (Although it kinda looks like it’s tranked to the eyeballs)
There’s proper equipment for transporting livestock, and that just ain’t it. The more I think about it, the more I suspect he got just exactly what he wanted, which is a lot of attention.