Just got back the second and final round of edits on GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND. My editor informed me that there were parts of it that she wished she hadn’t read before bed, so I’m going to score that as a good omen for a science fiction horror novel. I plan to spend the rest of the evening burning through them, and making what changes were necessary. They should just be hyphenation, typos, and my personal nemesis: semicolons. Although it’s a relief to just let a copyeditor flag those.
Now comes the processing work. I will not have the book ready for Fright Reads, but I might be able to get the Kindle version published by then. Thoughts on doing that, or waiting until the paperback is proofed to release the book? I already know that GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will not be on Kindle Unlimited. I want to see what the alternate revenue streams look like on this one.
Busy couple of days either way.