Tweet of the Day, Werewolves Of ‘Busting? edition.

I’m fine with that, actually. I felt GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE drew from the cartoon* just as much as from the movies, and werewolves actually showed up in one episode**. I also liked the movie, so sure. Gimme a sequel.

*That price is dirt cheap, by the way.

**It was a town of werewolves, and they were dealing with invading vampires, and then the vampires bit the werewolves, and the werewolves bit the vampires, and then Egon asked the question, What happens when a vampire/werewolf bites somebody? – and it was at that point that the party decided that clearly their work here was done now, so it was time to blow the dam and get the hell out of Lupusville.

…Damn, but that show was great.