Tweet of the Day, This Is Why I Am Absolutely Keeping AI Art From My Book Covers edition.

Apparently, this is what you get when the freaking Mouse is paying the invoice. Look, I get that a lot of creative types don’t have any money. Shoot, I have far less than I like, myself. So I don’t want to judge too harshly. Just… try not to be standing underneath when this fad collapses under its own weight, okay?

Via @Strangeland_Elf.

6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Is Why I Am Absolutely Keeping AI Art From My Book Covers edition.”

  1. The cultists will still buy it.
    But their recruiting numbers have declined greatly.
    As their appeal becomes more selective, look for them to continuing to become more extreme.

  2. The more I think about it, the more I’m horrified by the stupidity.
    There are hundreds, if not thousands, of employees at Disney that could have taken that image and made it look good.
    But they weren’t allowed to.

  3. Given recent products, I think this is just a confirmation the Mouse’s checkbook is no guarantee of quality.

  4. I was promised a future where robots and AI did the drudgery and tedium so humans could do the creative and interesting.

    This is not that future.


  5. Which one is the new one? They both seem…unremarkable. Pale echoes of Rockwell’s original work.

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