Operating methodologies!

I took another look at the tableaux in front of us. There was a line of trees and shrubs stretching off in both directions, parallel to the road we were on: it looked pretty solid, but the brothers had found a gap. Their corpses were now standing straight in the middle of that gap, and I didn’t think it was a coincidence.

“Did they take anything you really, really need?” I asked Sisk. She glared at me, and I sighed. “They’re standing there, dead, and we don’t know why. That makes going up to them dangerous.” Her glare was fading, but still not quite gone, so I kept going. “If they were still alive, we’d go rescue them, because we’re not monsters. Are those two dead guys worth your precious hide, though?”

Sisk exhaled and nodded. “I hear that. It’s just that they took things from me.”“And if you really need something they took, we can still try to get it. If you don’t? Sorry, but they can stay where they are for right now.” I kept myself from patting her on the back. “I know it sucks to get robbed, but there are times when you can’t take it too personally.”