TWO DAYS LEFT on the Kickstarter! If you were waiting for the best time to back…

…now would be it. TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 will be my collection of post-apocalyptic fantasy stories set in the aforementioned Fermi Resolution universe: it’ll feature old characters and new, and will include a madcap self-contained adventure from my upcoming Tom Vargas novel BANSHEE BEACH. The last forty-eight hours of a Kickstarter are in some ways the most important ones, because it’s now that we see what stretch goals will get fulfilled. Here are the most relevant ones:

  • $2,000: More sampler stories! At this point, the sampler will be five Fermi Resolution stories, including two ones exclusive to this sampler. It will be very close to a short episodic novel at that point, as all five stories will be set in the Falling Walls of Lunacy Marsh/Asenath Fermi Resolution horror sub-series. The Moon is not a nice place in a magical apocalypse. With these stories, you’ll get to see just how much. 
  • $2,400: More Fermi Resolution-themed art! I’ve gotten in touch with the talented Ben Fleuter (the artist for the TTRPG), and he’s got time in his schedule to get the other PC species drawn in the same style as below. Did you want Mermen, Ghulmen, and Oldmen character sketches? Because if we hit this stretch goals, you’re getting some!

Back the Kickstarter today!