02/24/2024 Snippet, THE VISITOR FROM OUTSIDE.

Well, that’s not good.

June 16
So, there’s a problem.

I got the weekly data squirt from Outside, and when it comes to my actual job nothing’s changed. I still have a week to finish things up, and we’re all ahead of the timeline, so that’s not going to be a problem for me. I’m not going to lie ( mean, I can’t lie here, right? It’s still a felony); I was worried I’d have to switch paths again, only this time at the last minute. Finding out we’re good made me feel good.

That state lasted, right up to the moment where I saw the time-sensitive message from Memetic Health. They’ve flagged my journal records, asking for clarification on my dream reports. Apparently my numbers are high enough to be a potential concern. Accordingly, they’ll need to know what self-therapy and palliative care techniques I’ve been using, and whether I’ve found a primary information therapist yet to keep an eye on my status. I’m still cleared to work, but I need to let them know if any larger problems show up regarding my difficult dreaming.

Considering that I don’t remember reporting any difficult dreaming, I’d say that one definitely has.