In the Mail: REIGN.

Finally. I know this is going to sound weird – and it’s certainly not Atomic Overmind’s fault – but the USPS hijacked my copy of REIGN for an entire month and used it to play a bizarre game of Pong between Minnesota and Texas. I have no idea why. The address was fine. AO reused it when sending out the book again, no problem.

Ach, well. At least it’s here now.

PS: “At long last, Greg Stolze’s game of Lords and Leaders returns! Reign: Rules and Reign: Realms together form the second edition of this One Role Engine-powered fantasy game in which your characters can can defend and bring prosperity to threatened lands–or, if you prefer, conquer and pillage on a vast and awesome scale.” In case you were wondering.

One thought on “In the Mail: REIGN.”

  1. The ORE doesn’t get nearly enough credit. It’s brilliant for Supers, and I expect it was the right choice for Reign.

    (I have it, but it’s still sadly in the TBR pile.)

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