Oh, I’m sure he’s not really planning something. Still, the man is descended from something like virtually every crazed crowned mother[expletive deleted] that England’s ever produced, and his heir checks off the others via Charles’ first wife. If the King of Great Britain does cook off some kind of Windsor Restoration, let nobody say that we were not warned.
6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Is The Face Of A Man With Nothing To Lose edition.”
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Overshadowed in his own portrait.
Seems apt.
So we agree, the ‘artist’ didn’t like his subject, right?
I kinda miss the days where a noble could have someone quartered and their works burned for such effrontery. It actually made things more…civilized.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to meet him coming down a dark alley.
The butterfly will be Charles’ calling card in his rebirth as a supernatural abomination, right?
I honestly look at that and feel like it’s the kind of portrait one might see in an eldritch horror story where the….
Well, I’m glad it wasn’t yellow. That’s all.