Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Context edition.

I mean, you’ll be able to puzzle it out on your own, but I feel no urge to scribble a mustache on this particular work of art.

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Context edition.”

  1. .. understanding of old norse culture and traditions is not the cultural evolution that I was hoping for… but if we’re to go a’viking I’m down.


    1. I deeply enjoyed the fact that they used that twice in THOR: RAGNAROK. Like, you can’t do that every time. It’s lazy if you do it every time. But you’re allowed to do it *once,* just for the hell of it.

      1. I loved that both times it was the perfect song for the fight and its reuse represented the character changing and maturing over the course of the movie.

  2. I like the art of it.

    I *also* like the fact that people who follow the retweets back will see the original. There are people out there for whom it is excellent advice, and of a sort that brings more joy to the world in general. We could use more of that kind of thing in this fallen world of ours.

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