Tweet of the Day, Not Gonna Lie… edition.

…this makes me just a little less suspicious of GLADIATOR 2. Although they still should have gotten that insane script about Maximus being immortal and linked up with Jesus somehow? That would have been amazing. And, again, insane.

Via @HeartbreakRidge.

PS: I just finished reading TO TURN THE TIDE, which reminded me that it’s actually trivially easy to insert a rich and powerful black man into the Roman milieu. You just have to give him the right clothes, have him speak Latin and Greek with the right accent, and make sure he has a proper Roman education. He still won’t be an Italian, sure. But at least he’ll be civilized, instead of one of those crazy blond German barbarians with rancid butter in their hair.

One thought on “Tweet of the Day, Not Gonna Lie… edition.”

  1. Denzel has the range of a wet fart.

    I haven’t paid to see him perform since 1998 (Fallen) and will now certainly be skipping this one in theaters.

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