Sonny would pay five thousand dollars to see this happen, just for the reactions on social media. I’m not happy with some of the stuff this actor has pulled, but… it would be an event, wouldn’t it? Right up to the moment that all the servers were spontaneously possessed.
Yeah, yeah, I’m talking myself into it.
You have to talk yourself into it?
It would be awesome!
(Even though it’s still seriously casting against type.)
Freezing out one of the more talented actors of his generation in perpetuity never quite sat right with me.
Especially when celebrities who had done much, much worse were readily forgiven or never punished.
(Not to mention that his antisemitic rant—to the extent he wasn’t simply insulting a police officer—absolutely pales in comparison to all the celebrities and potentates who have recently been actively supporting the murder of millions of Jews.)
Today I learned that Apple’s autocorrect does not like the word “Jews”. I’m relatively certain that this is recent.
Well, I’m not supposed to enjoy watching somebody will themselves into an aneurysm. 🙂
Mel Gibson is awesome. Somehow he got shunned by the same people who gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation, and thought Harvey Weinstein was a great guy until they were affected by his proclivities. What they were really mad at was that Mel Gibson made a movie about Jesus Christ with his own money, and audiences loved it.
I would watch Mel Gibson as Doctor Doom and not feel a bit sorry about it.
A comic nerd friend of mine told me there is a multiverse where Doom IS Ironman, but I’m not convinced Disney is smart enough to know that.