Tweet of the Day, Okay, This Is Gonna Be My Best-Seller Car Brand edition.

I don’t care if this ad features the weapons-grade emotional manipulation that you only see in Thai retail commercials*. Let me repeat this: I don’t care. When I make it as a writer, I’m getting a Volvo.

Note: you can help me along that path by buying my books.

Moe Lane


*You think I jest? Fine. On your own head be it.

…and that’s not even the most brutal one. I mean, top ten, but Thai advertisers can absolutely go harder. Don’t look this stuff up unprepared.

2 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Okay, This Is Gonna Be My Best-Seller Car Brand edition.”

  1. Effective Marketing is simply a tool, to be used for Good or Evil.

    This stands out (a marketing coup in itself, as opposed to the cynical banality of Jaguar) because it’s actually promoting Family value. It *shouldn’t* stand out yet here we are as a society.

    Such things should be Encouraged™.

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