These are the numbers that I’m thinking of for the FERMI RESOLUTION TTRPG:

Softcover, Large, Regular Color$29.95
Hardcover, Large, Regular Color$34.95
Digital File$14.95

I have to think of them now because I need to come up with pledge levels for the Backerkit (it’d be awesome if you signed up for notifications for that, by the way). The book will be about 150 pages, and have a bunch of art. Do these numbers feel right to you? It’s a self-contained book using the GUMSHOE rules.

2 thoughts on “Doing prices for the FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK TTRPG.”

  1. The prices for digital and softcover seem right to me, but I would expect the hardcover to be more like $39.95.

    (My only claim to expertise on this is having bought a lot of RPG books in the last few years, which is, y’know, pretty slim.)

    1. Hardcover’s a tough one to price. A lot of assumptions, and the book is really pretty small (150 pages). I’m not sure what the fair market value’s gonna be, honestly.

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