Which is to say: when you find something that looks like this.
Via @RocketPulpHack. I figure nobody died, because otherwise I’d have seen this fifty million times already, but… there aren’t that many industrial uses for something with that shape. Since one of them is to blow things up that other people don’t want you to blow up, better safe than sorry: call the nice explosive experts. You know. Just in case.
Little bit of concretion like that will knock right off with a hammer, then you can some manufacturer’s marks.
You’ll certainly leave a mark one way or the other
IF you’re cleaning up after someone with… interesting hobbies or background…. well, just be very careful.
… should also include this one.
Some good adventure seeds in there as well.
Damn and double-damn you for opening up another blogging rabbit hole before me.
On the silver lining side, Dr. Funranium doesn’t blog nearly as much as, say, Our Esteemed Moe.
Maybe not new material. But he has many years worth of back catalog to complete.
Yes, and odds are this is a good time of the year to have something to read handy….