This is a serious question: what does this Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit teaser page need? What should it include, what should it include more of, what would tempt you? Don’t get me wrong: I want everybody reading this to sign up for notifications about the Backerkit, to say nothing of backing the project itself. But right now I’m happy just to get feedback.

Delete: “And what is the conceit of the Fermi Resolution? Well, the very short version is:”
1) The word ‘conceit’ is one that prompts a negative emotional reaction from many, and establishes a tone that can be perceived as superiority. (This type of thing is often followed by my wife calling me “autistic” for using a perfectly good word correctly.)
2) It’s redundant. There’s no need for throat-clearing about summarizing the pitch, because the pitch is intrinsically a summary.
3) You’re competing against Tik Tok for attention in an environment that has given everyone ADD from constant stimulation. Get to the point. There’s a place for establishing a relationship with the reader, but that place is definitely after the sales pitch.
Gotcha. I threw that up as a placeholder, because I had already been told that I needed to put up a summary, but obviously it needs tweaking. Thankee sai. 🙂