Self-Tweet of the Day, Look, I Figure Somebody’s Reading The Whole Thing, Okay? edition.
So they might as well let me know.
Quick question: is there anything in the released JFK files that CONTRADICTS the theory that Oswald was aiming at Connolly all along, but just missed? I have a manuscript where the answer to that would be relevant.
3 thoughts on “Self-Tweet of the Day, Look, I Figure Somebody’s Reading The Whole Thing, Okay? edition.”
An FDR in Miami kinda thing? I’ll allow it.
… other than Oswald being a, you know, commie whackadoody?
Not that I know of… but then I didn’t read the whole thing.
Hey, he could have been a CIA agent pretending to be a commie whackadoody.
He was very closely tied to the CIA, and *someone* in government pulled strings to let him back into the country.
That said, “becoming the mask” is a real phenomenon, and it’s not like there were a shortage of double agents.
(Shrug) I tend to believe Oswald went rogue and acted alone. All the many, many irregularities seem more like frantic bureaucratic butt-covering than anything concerted.
I didn’t expect there to much interesting in the release. There’ve been too many decades to scrub the files. But it looks like a documented money trail supporting “the CIA set Nixon up” conspiracy theory slipped in.
Which is very interesting.
An FDR in Miami kinda thing? I’ll allow it.
… other than Oswald being a, you know, commie whackadoody?
Not that I know of… but then I didn’t read the whole thing.
Hey, he could have been a CIA agent pretending to be a commie whackadoody.
He was very closely tied to the CIA, and *someone* in government pulled strings to let him back into the country.
That said, “becoming the mask” is a real phenomenon, and it’s not like there were a shortage of double agents.
(Shrug) I tend to believe Oswald went rogue and acted alone. All the many, many irregularities seem more like frantic bureaucratic butt-covering than anything concerted.
I didn’t expect there to much interesting in the release. There’ve been too many decades to scrub the files. But it looks like a documented money trail supporting “the CIA set Nixon up” conspiracy theory slipped in.
Which is very interesting.