Let me repeat that: Star Wars LARP resort.
Disney is contemplating opening a luxury Star Wars themed resort next to the Hollywood Studios park at Disney World, which could feature multi-day live-action role-playing games that run overnight, with guests staying all night in the park to interact with costumed characters and automated elements (droids, etc) to game out scenarios.
…(Via Rick Wilson) Dear Lord. That’s… that’s… that is a thing. That is absolutely a thing. That is a thing that will eat people. I am terrified. I want to wake up my wife and tell her that we need to reserve a spot NOW. I can’t even.
Why do I get a flashback to Steve Barnes’ Dream Park?
Because everybody else does, too.
You had better schedule for us to finally meet and have dinner.
We can probably swing something, although I don’t expect that it’ll be ready before 2022 or so.
Don’t be deceived by ongoing construction. This is ripe for a “Behold This Armed and FULLY OPERATIONAL Theme Park!” moment.
Westworld. Nothin’ could go wrong there.
Best start saving now. This will be substantially expensive.