The ‘Imp of the Perverse: A Jacksonian Gothic American Horror RPG’ Kickstarter.

This looks interesting.

Imp of the Perverse: A Jacksonian Gothic American Horror RPG.” ‘Jacksonian Gothic’ has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it? People like to focus on Civil War or Colonial-era horror; the broad area in-between seems to be left to Poe, probably because nobody wants to go up against Poe on his own turf.  But it’s a very very fertile field for a good, solid horror game.

Yeah, this is me talking myself into backing it.  Yet another game I won’t have time to play, too.  Guess that’s my Imp of the Perverse.

4 thoughts on “The ‘Imp of the Perverse: A Jacksonian Gothic American Horror RPG’ Kickstarter.”

  1. I like the concept.
    But the invocations of “problematic” and “expansionistic ideology” make me extremely reluctant. I’ve long since reached my lifetime quota of paying for political screeds.

    1. Eh, it’s not a new phenomenon. Monopoly was explicitly created to cause discord discrediting capitalism.

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